Fall 2022 Arizona Scholarships

Three Arizona scholarship opportunities are available, depending on your major or program.

Advancing the STEM Mission

STEM Scholarship

Are you pursuing a two or four year degree majoring in science, technology, engineering or mathematics? Our STEM scholarship is the one for you!

Critical Thinking/Judgment

Liberal Arts Scholarship

Are you pursuing a two or four year degree majoring in a liberal arts discipline? We have great news, our liberal arts scholarship is a great fit for you!

Applied Programs in Demand

Vocational Scholarship

If you are in an accredited vocational program (e.g., welding, masonry, carpentry, nursing, HVAC, etc.), our vocational scholarship is here to help you.


Advancing Higher Education Goals

In 2020, Arizona ranked 3rd in the nation for economic momentum, but ranked 31st in educational attainment. Arizona scholarships provide a key funding source to students who are pursuing two-year degrees, four-year degrees, and vocational programs in the state of Arizona.

Arizona Educates' mission is to support lifelong learning. We strive to enable adults to prosper in a changing economy. Arizona Educates seeks to improve opportunities for fair economic and social mobility for all students.